Exposities &


You will find my Art in Amsterdam, New York, London, Paris, Milan, Venice, Sydney, Dubai, USA, and divers countries in Europa.



  • Venice Biennale, ItsLiquid Borders Art Fair, Palazzo, July 2023


  • Berlin Galery Azur,  June-July 2023
  • Milan Galery Artspace, ‘Protection of Nature and Environment’,  June 2023
  • Museum the Mauritshuis the Hague, ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ May 2023
  • Art & Luxury Fair: Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin Noordwijk, Feb. 2023
  • Elegance Fair Landgoed Parc Broekhuizen Leersum, Okt 2022
  • Stone Gallery Tindalvilla, Bussum , May-June 2022
  • Dubai Hilton, Aug – Nov 2022
  • Antwerp Hilton April – Dec 2022
  • London Hilton Parklane, Mei – Dec 2022
  • Gallery Lissabon Denneweg Den Haag, solo exhibition 2022
  • Tindalvilla, Bussum solo exhibition Atelier 2021
  • Land Art Project “the Colorfield Performance” Park Lingezegen, Elst 2021
  • Solo exhibition, Circular Leadership, Naarden 2019
  • Paris Hilton, Paris, 2018
  • Palace of Justice the Hague, solo exphibition, 2018

      • Art Tour The Hague ’17, ’15, ’13, topic: nature of the Hague: beaches, sea, forrest
      • Round of Art Fair The Hague ’16, ’14, ’12 (no3)
      • Ahoy Rotterdam, National Art Fair, ’16
      • World Forum The Hague, topic “Peace and Justice” opened by mayor Jozias van Aartsen. ’09, ’10
      • Museum Scheveningen ‘Pier van Scheveningen’ Art and Culture Fair ’09
      • Gallery Banka, The Hague ’07
      Be welcome to my ongoing exhibition and my  studio at the monumental TindalVilla in Bussum.
      Alone you go faster,
                     together you go further




      I started a new initiative in 2020 at location de Trappenberg, central Gooi. A group of six artists.

      Platform Artists The Hague

      2009: A platform of 70 artists living and working in the Statenkwartier. Board 2009 – 2016. The beautiful neighborhood attracted and inspired many artists. Many initiatives to jointly bring their work into the limelight.

      Monday Mornings

      Three years (2005-2008) with 5 artists studio morning: model, still life.

      “Het was zó’n heerlijke ontspannen dag, met jouw hulp heb ik een prachtig abstract schilderij gemaakt!”

      – Lucia van der Eng

      “Ik had nooit gedacht dat schilderen je zo’n spiegel voorhoudt.”

      -deelnemer jonge talenten

      “Het was heerlijk om zo lekker los te gaan en te genieten van het proces zelf. Dit gaat mij ook helpen in mijn werk.”

      – Coachee dagcursus